Wednesday, October 18, 2006

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY - Popular Christianity 07/07/2006


Popular Christianity - 07/07/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



Thinking more about the metaphoric comparison I have been toying with pertaining to the "Third Degree Of Civilization" as it was put forward in the United States being comparable to the idea of "Christ" - I find it even more compelling as I explore such a comparison.

Artistically speaking, it is easily unmatched if it were that such had been purposeful - but in my personal belief, I find more sense in seeing it as a product of that larger process - Proximity Gestation - and resonations, as well - as I have described.

The concept of "Christ" is itself a sort of gateway through which to attain residence in "heaven."

From the perspective of an immigrant, the idea of said degree of civilization as it is presented, embodied in the country and government of the United States, serves much the same purpose in a practical form. ~

Before I go any further I will state that I in no way intend to imply that our government is solely Christian or should be such - I only see a rather marvelous comparison which I find illustrates yet another aspect of that larger ongoing process. ~

From a commerce perspective - being/meaning from a business point of view, the government could be compared to Christ in his display at the market place. ~

Of course our present version of the government is somewhat different than initially intended, but such was very much the intention as well, and as well that is to be seen as in comparison to some degree.

The "Third Degree Of Civilization" - our version - is based on that "commerce/power" shift in structure - the idea of "commerce" was first begun to be firmed up with the introduction of Justinianus - Roman Law Of Sale.

Metaphorically then, it is upon those "rules" which commerce/power was first "displayed" so to speak. Those rules could be likened to the rigidity of the Roman Empire and even the cross on which Christ was crucified in a metaphoric sense.

Within that introduced rigidity - limitation as it were, was first introduced in such a form, the idea of fictive transfer in practicality - monetarily so to speak. Though the idea and "science" of value had yet to be explored entirely (and still remains much as such).

Within that established consistency then began another between the concepts of "sovereignty" and "commerce," which then could be likened to that age old "battle" between the "church (where in is the idea of Christ, per say)," and "sovereign rule - which if you consider it, then proposes a subtle shift in "residence" so to speak of "church" - then resting it within the idea of "commerce" as well, in comparison and placement in regard to the older "battle" of "sovereign" rule and the "church."

This then, even more interestingly, poses the stage for our self perpetuating and ongoing point of interest between "church" and "state."

Further in that direction then, is the realization that the initial concept of said "Third Degree Of Civilization" was to produce and insure the sovereignty of the people - the "state" as it were.

This then all transpiring, hypothetically for the sake of this illustration, within the metaphoric "body of Christ" which could be represented by the body of government and the interaction with/of and for the people themselves then becoming a part of it through citizenship. No longer being a larger problem in former areas of tremendous bloodletting regarding such issues as "church" and "state," while continuing and continuing to be settled and reintroduced as the initial body of guidelines (laws) was amended and changed.

This as well represents the motion in emulation of that larger process, especially in regard to the "slight turn" I have mentioned as progress is revealed through hind sight. ~

As those initial laws pertaining to commerce have been changed within the "commerce/power" structure, modified or even driven out, this could be likened then to having removed Christ from said rigid structure (being the hypothetical, metaphoric "cross" of initial law) - to then be re-introduced anew.

Further comparisons are the likes of it being that some people get their sustenance directly from and as result of the government. some people within the idea of Christ, find similar sustenance as well.

The military, for instance could be likened to those "ranks" which "soldier" for Christ. the military existing to further, uphold (supposedly) and protect the idea which is our version of that "Third Degree Of Civilization."

Those "soldiering" for Christ doing much the same thing for that ideology.

Further within this large comparison, are problematic representations as well.

The first I notice being likened to a self adulation paradox which would occur if Christ either were, or reborn - as many believe will happen - as a Christian of any sort.

The comparison here is that ongoing "battle" of "Church" and "State," and further then the existence of such religious beliefs within said "body" - especially in a "governing sense" - which interestingly enough provides yet another check and balance in regard to "commerce" being comparable to "church" within that older example point of conflict.

It exists as a paradox.

It is really incredible when you think about it, even if you may have trouble seeing the metaphor I am currently presenting. ~

As I sat here again, considering this, I momentarily thought that perhaps introducing such a concept into application as is that "Third Degree Of Civilization," from a "Christian" perspective, could have been an initial flaw - as per said "self adulation" - but the more I think about it, the more I see said paradox as somewhat pertinent within such a comparison.

As I have mentioned, since its introduction - much of the older and more violent conflicts pertaining to "sovereign rule" and "church control," has been very much diffused so to speak, through playing out within and upon the stage of "commerce/power." ~

It is a rather interesting comparison if I do say. Incredibly interesting. ~

As I have touched on, within this comparison and metaphor is obviously our choice as to living within a "Heaven on Earth" or conversely a "living Hell." Both are greatly possible - though neither can exist solely of themselves, especially in an extreme.

I find it entertaining as per said comparison that within the concept of Christ, such seems to present similar possibilities in the prospective "Heaven" said to be beyond/through Christ, as well. Most people in their topical perspectives, think that "Heaven" through Christ is reserved for the "pretty" or the "righteous," or only the "most upstanding" people - and in that is a giggle in watching many posture as such hoping for such "ends" to be more potentially theirs.

The fact, from my knowledge of the concept of Christ, is that said prospective "Heaven" is populated with any that accepted Christ as their savior, so to speak. As far as I know, there are very few "offenses" which can serve as reason to deny said entry into said prospective "Heaven."

Not being born of station, isn't one of them. Nor is failing to brag about having the proper connections.

Further in this immediate comparison proposes the possibility of "Hell" actually being more "livable" than "Heaven" - if it were that enough transpired in said populous in "Heaven" to make being in the presence of said "Lord" unbearable due to lack of their own personal interests.

That is to say - if that "consumer mentality" became predominant in said prospective "Heaven," residence in Hell might just be more acceptable. ~

I will definitely be considering this comparison further.


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