Monday, October 23, 2006

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY - Popular Christianity 09/01/2006


Popular Christianity -09/01/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




As I have just noted in my personal entry for the day - it is that I now have a sufficient copy of the most popular version of the "Bible," currently. I will begin a topical study of it soon as exploration of my existing understanding of said works.

Given the variety and variations within society as per interpretations of said works - I feel it will prove interesting at least to solidify through exploration, a more sound representation of my own understanding and interpretation.

"Solidify" being that to represent my understanding in writing will give me a more firm perspective of it directly. I in no way mean "solidify" as being "carved in stone" belief. ~

Further, it is my intention to produce as exploration, a direct "opposite" copy of the "Bible" I have, in the interest of better understanding the perception and dynamic of dichotomy and such consistencies within society.

Again, given the various interpretations of the bible in society - this as well should prove interesting. ~

Further in that direction, when it is I have grown to a better understanding - I am given to produce another "copy" with an attempt to represent that which I perceive as in said larger motion - knowing from observation (as I have noted) that it consists of much more than the "opposites" we as a species commonly embrace - and there fore limit ourselves within.

It is, as I have stated - that I want my understanding to be somewhat less limited in various respects when I set to this project being that I will want to maintain a consistency in "transference" pertaining to "litteral" and "interpreted" meaning then "converted" in various respects to represent in effect, that larger motion.

Though it may sound outlandish and very well may render something similar to gibberish, it might just the same - render a reference for at least myself in the interest of examining from a common and consistent reference point... hopefully rendering a version of that "three dimensional aspect" I have refered to as it may have occured - having been placed as concept, directly in relation to the depictions rendered in description within the consistent and common work known as the "bible."

Like looking at something "known" from and through a different "filter" as itwere. ~

In regard to current perceptions as per said "scripture," I feel that I shoudl attempt to note the various sorts as per "gist," which I currently am aware of. This simply to present myself a place from which to begin to explore my own understanding as per said works.

It is surprisingly common within our species to find variations within this body of works called the "bible." Mostly in regard to what is believed to be representative of the idea of "God."

Some people see it as being a "father" figure - the masculine.

Some as a "mother" figure - the feminine.

Some as even a direct reference to the vaginal orifice.

Some see said references as being the "Christ" figure - "God" incarnate. Then further some even attach the idea of "Christ" with some symbolism of the vaginal orifice.

Some, it has been suggested, even see this work as being representative of intercourse, sexually.

My personal opinion is that most all of thosefail to recognize beyond topical representations - which are then used in turn, for other purposes anchored firmly in the efforts to procure. They miss the essence of what I believe were efforts in describing perhaps, some understanding of and in the effect of that larger process. The process of which I believe we are an emulation of.~

Further, I will again note that "Christianity" is not the only belief structure within humanity. Nor is it the oldest.

The fact that there are so many variations within "Christianity" itself, then lends validity to the idea having been presented of those various belief structures in humanity, actually being as result (and validly) of that larger process which I have described tosome degree, my own perception of.


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