Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Popular Christianity -09/04/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Before I begin to topically address the popular work titled "The Holy Bible," I again will stress my approach to this being as from a metaphoric interpretive effort - with no "effort" other than my own perception.

It is within the fact that many similar efforts such as the "Holy Bible" exist within humanity that in the interest of clarity, I will approach it from such perspective. I will try not to read anything into it - as per said various interpretations - but will simply seek to express some understanding of my own perspective. This as well to further the other projects I have mentioned, such as various degrees of a "Moon Bible." ~

As I read through Genesis, I find many points of interest which support the idea of such a writing being metaphoric. One which immediately indicates the presence of something outside of this metaphor, is in Genesis 3:22, being the "Lord God" conversing with someone/something of "his own stature," not having been included until this point.

Then beyond that, is the reference to Cain being banished and then having a wife.

Obviously this "wife" is of some other society beyond the scope of this work. ~

In a broad interpretation and admittedly a bit radical as per - it would seem possible at this point in this work, that it itself, represents the possibility of culture and civilization of considerable advance - perhaps a Kingdom of sorts - of which it describes.

For instance "Adam" and "Eve" being representative of "adopted specimen" from one "culture/civilization" into another. Then being "re-introduced," more so ex-communicated rather purposefully from said "civilization of considerable advance." Especially given that indicative moment in Genesis 3:22, pertaining to "multiple" godlike entities.

It again shows itself further as metaphor from Genesis 4:17 - pertaining to rapid (most considerably) reproduction if it were that such were not a metaphor. It very much indicates something at least similar to what I suggest as per "adoptive culture." It further, with Genesis 4 - very much could be an indicator of the beginnings of "class lines." Being that the "line" of Cain, could produce nothing for themselves, thus yielding a purely "consumer" class, no longer able to "produce" if only even for themselves.

Perhaps even, as pure speculation - being representative of divergence between "ruling" and "ruled" classes. The consuming element of their existence, now cursed to be such - among other elements such as producers, beyond the scope thus far, of this work - and obviously not of the previous "adoptive culture." ~

It then goes on to describe other descendants of Cain - living in "Nod" - which means "wandering." After Cain had founded a city, there-in.

This of course further indicates others outside of the scope of this work and its metaphoric account - being that someone populated that city - and further each of his offspring had children of their own. Some of which being noted as the "first" within this account of things such as raising livestock while living in tents, another being the first of "harp and Flute," another at forging tools from bronze and iron. ~

In Genesis II, it suggests existence before "known civilizations" as well - in "all" people speaking the same language. Further it then suggests and exclusionary perspective of "self" as community in stating "will make us famous" - while implying "all people" a;ready co-habitate so to speak - a "contradiction" which does seem to suggest a decided "difference" being recognized metaphorically, then literally being the only inhabitants of a known civilization.

Then come the accounts of Noah and the flood, but in that within a rather short period somehow an olive branch grew as the waters receded.

My thought at this point is given to a sort of "focal placement" as per perspective within the "story line." Only that which is "within" the scope of the depiction, is regarded - as per "existence." ~

From Noah, then comes organization with "clan," territory, language - which again suggest metaphor being that all supposedly spoke the same language until the "Tower of Babel" - where again it is suggested that a "plural" influence then strikes down the tower. This plurality even after it is stated people "worshiping the Lord by name." ~

Something further I find of interest within the first few pages of Genesis, is the reference to Sun and Moon - said to "govern" day and night - further is the reference to the stars for the purpose - "to govern the day and night" and "to separate light from darkness." ~

Further, thus far seems a tendency to "gather" and then "separate." ~

To apply such in a consistent manner - simply in regard to that apparent tendency, is itself to insure inconsistency - within a larger consistency.

Further, pertaining to the various influences set forward to "govern the day and the night," is very much the same result in consistent, literal application. It seems to me that literal, hard line interpretation of this work would render inconsistency abound - which of course, may not be entirely all bad - especially in regard to the various other interpretations simultaneously transpiring with and within their own consistencies and inconsistencies as result. ~

I am rather excited with the thought in consideration of "metaphor" concerning that speculation regarding an "adoptive culture" element - this as much in the prospect of what I see being a re-occurring endeavor through civilization - as per a progressive motion - in even simple exchange - in relation to the excitement in speculation of some greater example of existence/civilizxation at the time period concerning this work.

This further then sup[ports my personal leanings regarding the idea of "bettering humanity" as opposed to refining the "human animal." That "re-occurrence" itself being as result to some degree, of the given similar metaphors in such works - a larger dynamic as it were, through out "civilization" - transpiring itself in similar tendencies of focus and cyclical movement in emulation of and within that larger, ongoing process. The consistencies and inconsistencies reappearing one within the other and as well in no relation to any specific "work" at all. Simply utilizing the consistencies and inconsistencies of our existence. This work being an example in that larger sense, of said.

The ebb and flow within that larger process itself - manifesting in folds throughout civilization in many ways. Even as early as is depicted within this body of work. ~

In so many words, anyone could extend similar intentions of such an endeavor - simply of and through their own existence. ~

Admittedly being somewhat of a grand musing and in regard to other musings I have presented concerning "governance," it seems quite sensible within those parameters I have presented in said musings, that employing certain points of focus being themselves - ignorant of such - would serve a great function.

That of course, is for other subject entries as I have begun. !

I may add though, that the reference to "celestial governance" hearkens even to more ancient forms of worship employing such consistencies as are said constellations - Sun and Moon. But as I have stated within my own belief, such representations are similar in comparison, to road signs as it were within the depth and capacity they are employed - in regard to our potential of and within that which is. ~

It could be observed that even in regard to modern recognition of such "standards," it has been diluted even in the limitations such "indicators" represent in the automated and "removed" sense that they are now perceived as in our modern day. ~

The presence and use of such older methods of worship, again indicates the possibility of said "adoptive culture" - this then further substantiating the idea of such a larger motion in progress as is the idea of Proximity Gestation in all of its facets.


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