Thursday, November 16, 2006

Studies In Theology - 09/24/2006


Popular Christianity -09/24/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




So I am reading Exodus now - Moses, the burning bush... on and such.

I happen upon a curious suggestion of "inversions" - which then suggests much more in a metaphorical procession. In Exodus 4:22, "God" tells Moses to tell Pharaoh that "Israel" is "Gods" first born son... then of course the curse and such.

As if it weren't immediately obvious - the particularly interesting part is pertaining to the reference to "Israel." ~

As established, Jacob was renamed Israel, presumably by a manifestation of "God" whom he "wrestled."

Jacob was the youngest child of twins - who managed to swindle his older brother's birthright, then with the aid of his mother - steal his furry, older brother's blessings as well. ~

This suggests several possibilities in reference here - one of which being the interpretation of the tribes of Israel being considered metaphorically as a "body" so to speak, and then further as a body being regarded as "Gods" first born son - a "first born movement" if you will - which then further substantiates the idea of a form of serogate social workings. This even in light of the namesake being a "youngest" child. ~

In another regard as per said "inversion" - it may suggest that through a presumed inter-connectivity, that there exists a reflective quality - being that the youngest child is somewhat perceived - or presumably so - on the "other side" of said reflective quality, as the first born - oldest, that is to say. ~

further, as an interesting point - this then suggests that an existing "border" so to speak - between said "reflective" area of interpretation and our reality - was displaced. Encroached upon so to speak - then rendering the physical happening of said "youngest" being regarded with the respects of the "oldest." ~

Even further then, this suggests the "female" element within our reality being more prone (as demonstrated in the example situation) to the influence of said displacement - having readily participated in the deception used to manifest the perceived inversion within the social dynamic of the time in which it transpired. ~

To again consider the idea of "Israel" metaphorically as a body, even suggest that more such "bodies" were/are to come within the associated suggestion of "Israel" being a "first born" when considered outside of the association with "Jacob" directly. It is even put to Moses to refer to "Israel" as a "son." ~

When I consider this further, it presents several interesting perspectives.

since "Israel" is now referred to as a "body," - a first born son, no less - it suggests then another aspect of the "multiple" elements present in a single point of focus - meaning that "son" suggests as well, a mother figure.~

This then in the consistency having been established concerning "birthright," suggests that "Israel" - being first born - will not receive the blessings due the first born - as per said newly established progression in the youngest having received such blessings. ~

Beyond those aspects, is then suggested relation in the manner I have suggested as per inter-connected symbolism, with "Christ" - himself being known as the personification of "Gods only begotten son."

Much being suggested in such a relation - even metaphorically.

It is enough to give inspiration in looking forward to more in depth study as I mature. ~

Self adulation paradox? ~

"Israel" = "Christ" = "Christianity" = any Israelite believing themselves to be such - chosen people as it were - then immediately subject to a self adulation paradox in considering the presented procession of events and symbolic relation? ~

Definitely interesting subject matter. `

Further then, what of the potential interpretation that perhaps "God" is justifying the manipulative ploy in having stolen the blessings, through then proclaiming Jacob (Israel) "HIS" eldest son... somehow superseding the more "mortal" version in claiming Jacob to be the son of "God."

Again in Exodus 12 is a reference to "bread made without yeast" - beyond the other appearing consistencies of this, is very much the fact that it is purposeful in excluding the leavening agent -(This meal is considered the first "Passover" in Exodus 12) which suggests such was purposeful in differentiating it from common bread. Perhaps in effort of connection with times before the use of yeast? ~

Symbolically then, "Israel" being declared "Gods First Born Son," was the only first born son of any variation not killed during passover (sans the lambs blood of course).

This presents some area of interest as well for future studies - especially in regard to the "inversion" and further the post of "Joseph" in Egypt and his relationship with Jacob (Israel) - the name sake of "Gods First Born" body of people, presumably. ~

11/16/2006 As a personal note, I think it to be of some considerable interest as well, that the Egyptian embalming process was used when Joseph died and was entombed. Then again at the passing of Jacob, similar respects were made. In a symbolic sense, this then associates "Israel" with even the Pharaohs as per similar respects being made at the time of death.

"Passover" is then noted specifically as a festival of "unleavened bread." ~

Then again, the dictation of seven (7) days - which I see as again coinciding with the 7 enclosures in the as of yet developed, Star Of David.

11/16/2006 To consider this in regard to symbolism, connection and of course in considering that old tradition of growing mold on bread in tomb like atmospheres.... then further taking into account the manner in which Jacob and Joseph were said to have been embalmed and entombed... then further with the significance of the re-occurring enumeration(s) in consistent manners..... it could be reasoned that symbolically, there is a connection with those having been entombed in those early years, and the ceremonial use of bread as has been depicted.... sans the leavening agent (being a living organism, perhaps?). A form of symbolic transference if not a sort of invitation to re-incarnate? To again be a part of the living order as if to want of some manner to impart the better qualities of that which has been, into that which is and has yet to come?

Truly some things to be considered in more mature and learned years.


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