Thursday, January 04, 2007

Studies In Theology - 12/07/2006 (continued) - (The Importance Of Genocide? A House Divided? & Priests On The Hit List?)


Popular Christianity 12/07/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/07/2006 (continued)

33:55 Is something most definitely to note pertaining to the interaction at this point, between the Israelites and the Lord.

It even resembles genocide as it is described, in intention - followed with a march or die sort of dictation in 33:56, which can only be seen as threatening at least. Warning that failure to vanquish all enemies in the land given them, would result in the Lord doing to the Israelites - what he had planned to do to their enemies. ~

To note- this then presents an understanding of perhaps the importance in becoming dominant in the area - removing in opportunity for a united sort of back lash against the obvious intention to conquer the area. That is to say, in a realistic sense - if they failed to vanquish every potential enemy, it could come back on them so to speak.

Chapter 34 describes boundaries for the Israelites to observe pertaining to their land. ~

In 34:13, it then indicates only 9 1/2 remaining tribes of Israel in the context of presented description when such is considered in an isolated manner. That is to say, when not considering the work in entirety - even on a literal basis.

It then for some reason, lists 10 tribes, which then indicates some number of populous required perhaps, to qualify as tribe - while then including this tribe aspect in consideration with the 1/2 tribe.

Manasseh is the only tribe at this point having been mentioned in regard to the indication of 1/2 - this being in reference to the land assigned East of the Jordan river. ~

It was only in chapter 26 that all 12 tribes were accounted for in the second census - listed as an entire body of the 12 (13) tribes. This being after the Acacia Grove incident with the plague. ~

In reviewing this most recent list of 9 1/2 remaining tribes in comparison with the second census, it is evident that these tribes choosing to be on the East side of the river, were not listed most previously - Being Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Manasseh. ~

While it is that this is pertaining to land division on the West side of the river - it still indicates that split in a more pronounced manner.

Notably, now half of one tribe lives on either side of the river, which then presents another social change in dynamic. ~

Considering it, this then could be seen as a potential power position within the community of Israelites given the importance of communication and social dynamic - which then adds another aspect regarding social dynamic to the previously noted shift in general political structure - which has yet to transpire given that Moses is still rebelling from the Lord - and hasn't yet died (a bit of humor in that linear chronological perception). ~

This then means that within the larger social structure of the community of Israelites, that there are now 3 points of political leverage. Presenting a structure which could then be seen as;

Such a position could and probably did become more influential with time, given the obvious (as described) bounty of the land they chose - in regard to fortification and cultivation. ~

This is similar as well, to the structure of government we now refer to as representative democracy here in the United States (as I am currently exploring as a happenstance metaphor). ~

The potentials within this division to become inefficient and even destructive, are just as prominent given the differences which would most likely arise between the subtle, though different priorities in concerns between the division. One side, as stated, with obvious concerns for cultivation for instance at this point and the benefits of those greener pastures. ~

In 35:13, it is stated that the Levites are to be given 6 cities for refuge, with 3 of them on each side of the river. ~

This aside from the purposes presented as being for refuge, definitely indicates that the division did not go un-noticed. ~

In total, the Levites were to be given 48 towns - as previously noted: 6 of those were to be used for/as cities of refuge, where a person could flee to for safety. Described as being in relation to offenses such as accidentally killing someone. ~

In this, is another social progression - given that banishment was previously common in the sense of being cast out of the community entirely - where this demonstrates an effort in containing such, remaining within those pre-ordained cities, within the community of Israel.

(further even securing a form of containment reassuring less compromise of the consistencies even in situations pertaining to discrepancies within the community)

The way these cities of refuge are described seems to represent the beginnings of a judicial system of sorts, as well. given that those finding refuge, are to receive judgement and then must remain within the city until the death of the High Priest - where the person can then return to his/her land. ~

This presents an intriguing aspect to the symbolism of the High Priest - perhaps in accordance with those transference aspects associated with the anointing and the containment of sins. ~

The death of such a position (person in such position) perhaps indicating the passing of offense(s) as well in similar symbolism? ~

Such seems as though it could promote the early demise of High Priests in the case of prominent influence seeking to be absolved in such a manner. But that of course is in political extremes as example. ~

It definitely represents a larger importance and a different extended meaning to both the Levites and Priests at this point. Indicating further social development as well. ~

All considered within these developments, presents an interesting picture in regard to corresponding social interaction(s) as well as in regard to leadership position(s) - presumably soon to be occupied by Joshua. ~

The 6 cities must definitely be another pre-cursor - this example being in relation to what we now know to be, and have been - asylum, and of course - political asylum. ~

In 35:34 is another reference to the Lord having a physical presence and living among the people. ~

Chapter 36 again addresses women and property.

It as well addresses concerns with grants of land given women - and the transfer of it through inter-tribal marriage. Resulting in the decree and mandate to marry within the same ancestral tribe. - and that no grant of land may pass from one tribe to another! ~

This of course, in a modern sense - presents concerns of/with interbreeding, which, within this new structure socially, will be interesting to note (and explore) as it may develop. ~`


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