Sunday, December 17, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/30/2006 (continued) (Fast Food, Rentals & Holy Water Which Can Defile?)


Popular Christianity 11/30/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



11/30/2006 (continued)

In 18:20, I am nearly set aback with realizations in regard to developments we live within currently, having remarkable similarities with those earlier developed rules - if even only from the level of saturation of/from Christianity itself - through out western culture. ~

Instead of an allotment of land for Aaron and his line - priests (including the Levites), they will be compensated with a portion of the tithe collected from the Israelites (tithe representing 10% at the time).

This suggests to me the beginnings of both welfare and rentals as we know them in the modern day. ~

I hesitate to say that I see everyone on welfare and renting housing in the modern day - to be of Aaron, or priest like - but I would say that it is probable that such social consistencies and developments could have some relation. Especially given that the entire tribe of Levites were to receive no allotment of land, either. ~

Something further of interest is the permission to eat of the offerings, anywhere you wish pertaining to the Levites and their families. ~

Again perhaps a distant relation - perhaps a reason for need of - what we now see as modern restaurants and Inns. This along with the need to accommodate earlier holy day celebrations as well.

It strikes a personal chord in memories from youth of setting an extra plate at the table on occasion - mores so, a place setting. ~

It is at this point (chapter 18) where the Tabernacle itself becomes off limits to any except the priests, Levites and Moses presumably. ~

Chapter 19 describes the ceremony in preparing ash of a red heifer to use in the water for a purification ceremony - it must be burned with some cedar (or juniper), hyssop and scarlet yarn - which again likens to casting of spells previously, within earlier societies and forms of worship (now casting lots within the tribes of Israel?).

I am curious with reading the instructions for handling this preparation ceremony being that anyone involved with preparing the ash to be used to purify - is then seen as unclean until evening.

Rather a strange thing in preparing that to be used to purify those finding themselves in a state of defilement. ~

This being stated as in regard to someone dieing inside of a tent as well as being defiled in the presence of a dead body, even a persons bones or a grave. ~

There is an emphasis on using the ash in water with hyssop used to sprinkle it on the third and seventh day. ~

If the water is not sprinkled on them, they are said to remain defiled - but again, in some twist, anyone touching the water will become defiled until evening.

Again, a transference of some sort in using the heifer ash - but with a two way exchange of sorts in it as well, being of a dead creature? ~

To note yet again similarities - this could be more foreshadowing in regard to the use of holy water within some areas of Christianity. ~

Further is support of this in the statement that any who are touched by a defiled person, will become defiled - which shows use in ceremony within some divisions of Christianity, in sprinkling holy water through out the congregation - and in similar use for entering places of worship. ~

(There is a seeming connection of this ceremony - purification water - and the golden calf as well, which I further explore within later entries)


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