Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/26/2006 (Ecclesiastics In The Modern Atmoshpere &The Devil Quoting Scripture)


Popular Christianity 11/26/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In considering the effects of Ecclesiastic movement in the modern day - it is evident that the standard application of such designs (as political tool) actually has further ramifications within the modern social conditioning, speed of information transfer and the atmosphere which that yields (as explored previously).

As if to be some byproduct, there seems to be a considerable area which becomes quite disheveled from what must surely have been seen as standard application in such directions as Ecclesiastic endeavors - though with little consideration of and within that amplification (distortion) and displacement. ~

If I am not mistaken, historically it has been quite common for Ecclesiastics (church sort of politics and agendas) to shift in some respect, with changes to itself as well as changes within other political atmospheres.

Something of a new development seems to arise in that modern use and application. ~

Such peripheral results, I suppose can be seen as useful in some respects from certain perspectives (even those opposed to the church for instance) given then the apparent tendency for such areas of confusion to then gravitate toward the more topical - readily available - apparent stability (consistency) within such concerns - regardless, in most instances of how relevant they may be to actual Ecclesiastic and religious concerns. ~

In that sense then, is a layered effect which can then be perceived as competing elements with/of and within such concerns. ~

I might say that from what I can see, it is then that within such concerns - is actually a body considered of worship which has more to do with having been fodder for/from political movement, than in regard to the idea of worship. ~

This then being layered even within itself. ~

It is an incredible facet in regard to various mimicry's both related to genuine efforts in compliance, and those purposefully introduced for which ever reason (not being the subject matter, here-in). ~

In many regards, this consistency hearkens again to the physical realm - being that of the Devil as it has been noted and described - then further even gives a vantage point to the idea of the Devil quoting scripture for his own ends. ~

An intriguing social interaction to say the least, in and as result of an ideology pertaining to its own variable facets and elements. ~ At times, the idea and manifestation of the church being nothing much more than a cult like atmosphere.

Many forget to acknowledge, that within the idea of Christianity - is then, the idea of the Devil (as with many other belief structures, there is a good and a bad). ~

This isn't to say that opposing influence exist elsewhere, only that such is specifically denoted as a consistent dynamic within the idea of Christianity. ~

For some reason, not of my concern, people tend to forget that something which they may categorize as the Devil has as much reign with and in the use of scriptures (for instance), as do those of a perceivably more righteous bent. ~

Which then raises the question (as I suspect is designed in such efforts) as to the validity of various mimicry's?

Who then is to say that mimicry's put forward for which ever reason, are not just as valid as other usages of such writ?

Beyond concerns with efficiency, and even more specifically post the introduction of the idea of Christ - what besides common well being truly dictates such usage? ~

In that respect from my personal perspective - such results and quality of living past that point of Christ, is/are very much our own responsibility aside from very few (comparatively) guidelines within that belief structure. ~

Which of course, then tends to show some different light on the idea of the Devil himself. ~

It perhaps even presents a duality in consideration even, between the idea(s) of God and The Devil in sort of an anonymity - as if some deeper deal were struck with that idea in the application of Christ?

The age old, though seldom recognized dichotomy then is present - The Lord, being all mighty, could surely do away with the Devil in a feld swoop so to speak - BUT, very much at the loss of all that was put forward in creation so to speak. ~

Truly an incredible dynamic to observe and speculate upon. Something most definitely for more mature areas of consideration in my future endeavours. ~


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