Monday, December 04, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/11/2006 (Chronological Layers and Heraldry)


Popular Christianity 11/11/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Immediately beginning the Book of Numbers - it is evident that something similar to the fold and match potential I have observed in regard to symbolic points of contact (transference) - is inherently a part of the entire work as it is presented.

The very first sentence in this book states a placement being one year after having left Egypt - which of course then chronologically puts the events as occurring simultaneously with much of what has already transpired in the previous two books.

This then suggests a layered effect where such, in popular understanding, is hardly (if ever) acknowledged.

In that linear perspective so common within many aspects of society - such regard to placement and occurrence relatively, is scarcely considered. ~

Further, it then places the establishment of the Tabernacle within that first year - though still in the wilderness of Sinai. ~

It then goes on to again list tribes and leaders - but further in this then suggests something else rather interesting pertaining to some chronology aspect - given that in 1:16, after listing the tribes and leaders - it then states them as the leaders of their ancestral tribes. This suggests having been organized for a substantial period of time previous to that which has been described (and is most commonly perceived) thus far. ~

Again, in the first book beginning at 1:47 speaking of the Levite's not being included in the census - it then again supports the explorative idea pertaining to movement - in 1:50, and 1:51, it describes quite clearly the aspect and common occurrence of travel - of nomadic tendency. ~

This is really interesting considering the presence of both nomadic concerns, and as well those distinct instructions pertaining to cultivation. ~

Again, this may simply be as result of that fold chronologically in regard to the social progress and such changes within the social structuring and tendencies of the Tribes of Israel - but it very much corroborates those movement aspects explored previously. Further it suggests some form of permanent intention in assigning the entirety of the Levite's to such duties. ~

Further, as part of the described duties of the Levite's, is to camp around the Tabernacle to protect the community of Israelites from the Lords anger. ~

An incredibly vast area for speculation here.

Is it that the Lord is presumably always pissed at the Israelites?

Is it that they are to be insulated in the event that the Israelites suddenly mess up beyond correction from offerings (which are quite common in occurrence)?

Is it perhaps that these nomadic tendencies and within the idea of multiple aspects of said influence, that with each move perhaps there was an uncertainty as to the resulting combination en manifest of said influences - and it was the Levite's responsibility to effectively plumb said new variations? Especially early on?

Again, in such efforts - especially in combinations with the establishing of consistent manners through which to approach and address said point of focus - being the Tabernacle (physically in this instance) - is the obvious effort in addressing the consistent inconsistency of multiple influences perhaps - with a concerted consistency applied to said point of focus. ~

This then, given these consistencies - the appointment of the descendants of Aaron as priests - and of course the Levite's (including Aaron and Moses) - introduces a filtration of sorts in a social sense. ~

Again in this area within the Book of Numbers is suggested the importance of colors and patterns, given the instruction of the other tribes to organize themselves under family banners (in addition to the importance within the tabernacle of color and arrangement) - after having been assigned to an area - which then suggests - as I have explored briefly - a subtle hierarchy - most likely in a nomadic sense as well (organized hierarchy in both placement and travel as well as heraldry).

Family banners then being quite similar to that which we now know as Blazons and Heraldry from other parts of history which trace to established Israel in some accounts - though not necessarily a geographic place - and further as a part in combination with other examples of human tendency to such representation. ~

Said "assigned places" to camp/travel - then obviously in relation (symbolically) to the previously described (though chronologically removed) bread offering in a very specific configuration and of very specific measure. ~


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