Saturday, November 25, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/10/2006


Popular Christianity -10/10/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




As I read back over most recent notes, I realize that I inadvertently didn't mention another interesting aspect in reference to priest examinations.

Though the reference seems obviously about "discoloration" near an infection - it still is an interesting thing that any yellow hair found on or near a sore, is considered indicative of a more serious illness perhaps, where it is mentioned that black hair growing on such a scab indicates having been healed. ~

This is referenced in Leviticus 13:32. ~

The interesting aspect being in possible misinterpretation to indicate blonde hair signifying illness while black hair seemingly signifies having been healed.

These passages also indicate as addressed pertaining to apparent transformation as per albino, other suggested possible transformations - mostly in hair color. In some instances it is described that certain coloration changes of hair are still not suggestive of further infection in regard to example skin disorders. ~

I then find this more interesting as per transformation possibilities in the description of Moses having seemed to age at Mt. Sinai after being in the presence of "The Lord" - this being popularly understood and perceived through a rapid hair coloration change. ~

As speculation, this then suggests that a given presence which influenced said transformations, is likewise similar to that which influenced apparent skin disorders - some of which even resulting in a complete transformation as in the albino description. ~

This then suggests yet further, aspects of proximity and those multiple aspects I have explored in description. ~

It may even be reckoned that perhaps God in perception was only the presence and activity of micro organisms?

11/24/2006 This of course then being influenced through the use of the slaughter aspects in sacrificial ceremonies - being that the promotion of micro-organism activity then concentrates with such activities in a confined area. Further then, it would be that only certain types of such activity would be promoted with consistent application of certain types of offering. In considering the consistency used to cure certain proteins and to make cheese in the modern day - this sort of exploration is in no way unfounded - Though it is that I should state that such exploration is NO attempt to negate the properties of that larger motion. Only that perhaps the manifestation of such POSSIBLE activities as "cause" - then acts as a representation in emulation of that larger motion and influence - an indicator as it were, in relation to that given example "motion." ~

As yet another note, I find it at least interesting that Moses underwent such transformation where it is that others, previously mentioned as having had correspondence with "The Lord" in close quarters - DID NOT. Again, such indicates a multiple aspect - even in a "cause and effect" sense - meaning that only certain aspects of and within that larger influence resulted in such transformation, while other aspects of "it" resulted in different influential outcomes.

For the sake of argument, I would even contend that such diversity in similar effects, (as noted) represents that larger process in/and motion - beyond the topically perceived micro organism explanation. ~

Even scientifically reasoned, different organisms exist in different (however subtle) areas so to speak - different parameters. ~

This isn't to contend that God on the mountain as is widely believed, is simply a germ (body of germs). Such is no more plausible in my mind than is the more popular burning bush analogy having something to do with what amounts to a peep show. It is only to draw comparison to that which is described as acceptable transformation as per similar bodily effects, and that which is said to have transpired on Mt. Sinai - Which, as stated, then again indicates a plurality within a larger consistency - which and what ever a person chooses to see being that which it represents. ~

It is hard to imagine a micro-organism in existence today, which has any such effect (and especially to such extremes) - which then suggests perhaps a physiological change-corruption of the atmosphere and human species since the time of those instructions for priests to perform as examinations. ~

Very interesting combination of comparisons. Perhaps something else to pursue in my more mature years? ~

Reading further in Leviticus - 16:08. It depicts that Aaron is to cast lots in order to decide which of two goats is to be sacrificed, and which is to be sent into the wilderness bearing the sins of the people. ~

This of course represents the use of scape goat quite literally - after the casting of lots which I see as rather interesting, being a remnant of previous forms of worship based entirely within the multiple deity structure(s). Such was quite common in many multiple deity structures as a form of represented communication through interpretation. ~

Further I see this as interesting given that Aaron's (and his line) duties are described as taking the sins of the people upon himself (themselves) - more directly, upon the medallion of gold on his head dress. ~

Again in reference to the scape goat - it is an interesting point that the sins of the people were to be sent happenstance into the wilderness. ~

the medallion, in the state of being a medallion -obviously - represents a sort of responsibility in containment, where the scape goat - again rather obviously - doesn't. Actually quite to the contrary. ~

Further something that I find particularly interesting about this action, is in and of, thus far - the pronounced concerns with burning things seen as impure - as to purify them. ~

What of the natural food chain?

Does this then have deeper symbolism in allowing the possible spread of said sins in potential consumption and introduction to the food chain? ~

This further given the importance even only thus far, with eating and meals, symbolically. ~

11/24/2006 Perhaps this suggests a larger eco-cylce being attempted as employ? Perhaps it is symbolic of the "devils due?" Quite odd in a symbolic aspect - in the release of those sins, so to speak. If nothing more than in the regard of a sort of "dirty laundry" aspect.


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