Friday, November 17, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/08/2006 (continued) - "Atonement" - Food Service Exploration


Popular Christianity -10/08/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



10/08/2006 (continued)

Reading on in Leviticus, it becomes apparent in chapter 2 that even through the obvious and intentional transgressions performed by Aaron as per fashioning a false idol, that his family line remained priests attending the altar and performing ritual tasks. ~

I see this as quite strange given the severity and actions other, even more subtle transgressions held for other members of the tribes of "Israel." Some even cursed to non-existence so to speak.

But here, in the face of intentional deviation from the "deliverers" wants, the blood line of Aaron still remained as priests. ~

This then causes thoughts in comparison with the modern role of priests even in the Catholic denomination of "Christianity."

It is as though they act as an insulator between "followers" and that which is perceived to be.

The act of confession and gaining atonement from the "priest," then being similar to a form of utilizing that which is indicated of Aaron to be - as per a symbolic, ongoing sacrifice so to speak. At the very least, being seen as the bearer of such offerings in being anointed with the blood of them, and further being associated with such offerings as are derived from grain. ~

This is definitely a point of interest given the considerable transgression - then further the apparent continued capacity of such a "blood line."

Perhaps even an element of "I won't tell if you don't?" ~

In regard again to "sacrifice," then further in regard to the idea of limited areas of the entire work as focus - what then to do in that line of thought, within the urban setting, to appease those focused areas of repetition within the whole of the work? ~

I surely cannot be alone in seeing the absurdity of such deliberate extremes of limitation in focus as being the "four bar" example?

There aren't any goats or sheep, or any other live stock for that matter - in the urban setting.

Further, those presenting such sacrifices very much then consumed that which they presented, as well as that which wasn't.

If the entirety of the work isn't considered as a whole, then such would bring to rise a need for more rural settings to maintain a compliance with those earlier books. Unless of course those applied mimicry's, including perhaps cannibalism - perhaps even then "Satanism" (through fictive transfer) were then employed over the years as a form of compliance? ~

Further in Leviticus, I find some rather interesting passages to various forms of atonement - which of course then relate to the idea of "Christ" then representing atonement for all transgressions - it is described that a person not having a sacrifice of their own, may purchase one for some infractions - this again being before the sacrifice of "Christ" for all. ~

In Leviticus 5:16 the monetary exchange is described which purchases an allotment of the sacrifice in atonement for transgression against "sacred properties." ~

I personally see rather interesting (though exploratory in the interest of just that) possible connections as per social symbolism. Even in having possibly been developed as per the course of society - but perhaps having no true, immediate connection beyond that coinciding development.

The "price" is stated as being the "loss incurred" plus twenty (20) percent. ~

I am personally intrigued with this (and mildly amused at the thought) given my knowledge of the food service industry.

Twenty (20) percent is roughly a common average as per "profit margin." Though it varies a little from place to place - that is in the neighborhood of percentage "mark up." ~

Granted, rather unfounded beyond my personal exploration - but amusing in the same sense as per existing consistencies in "resonation." ~

As I consider it, and further consider the various forms of offerings - the idea of modern restaurant settings fulfilling such requirements (symbolically) is really no more absurd than insisting the directions of various other imposed mimicry's have any substantial weight. In fact, such a setting very much seems as it would be a much more efficient form of said applied "mimicry" with far fewer detrimental limitations - especially in the more "free form" settings where product is designed and prepared from scratch on the premises. ~


This isn't to say that I feel such establishments should be as such. Only that, through the similar reasoning's as other forms in said mimicry - they (restaurants) pose a rather efficient area for effortless compliance. Further as should be readily evident in my personal opinion, "efforts" toward such would prove far less efficient than through applied living and interest in the trade itself. If only because of a heightened sensitivity to that larger motion as it exists - inadvertently employing it through focus on one specific aspect - metaphorically and with no intention to "comply" - within and of said trade. ~

Further such an "ignorant" approach removes the limitations of it - enabling a shared aspect in the existing layers of society and existence. Through not applying said limitations (in effort to comply with some religion) in specific intent - there are no limitations as per desired results and further as per perceived meaning.

A person could partake as per their personal perception, as well as those even being oblivious to any even remote similarities with such "atonement." One in no way then transgressing against the other. Until of course concerted effort is applied in making such an association prominent. ~

Most definitely another area where-in the use of applied ignorance could be rather efficient it would seem. ~

"Compliance" through simple, productive existence - if even with no intention on such designs. Most definitely as it would seem, being simply as a matter of course in existence at this point.

Something of the sort then on further consideration - pertaining to ease of/in compliance through simple existence - Then actually being as a desired result of the initial intention of such writ and limitations, to begin with. Especially beyond the introduction of the idea of "Christ."

This even further supporting the observation of the "government in design," having perhaps been a metaphor as per the idea of "Christ." A form of "automation" if you will that is far beyond that of the machines and said imposed limitations.... and again, simply as a matter of course in utilizing simple existence. ~

Again, this only being observation from my personal perspective - and further, obviously, only in regard to the present ideology and exploration of subject matter. ~

I do find another incredibly interesting point of seeming contradiction being in Leviticus 3:17, stating and forbidding the consumption of blood. ~

Then, in considering again the "folding points" of similarity I have explored in description - this rests in an interesting manner with "Christ" having presented wine symbolically as "blood," specifically to be consumed - suggesting then, that contradiction. But again being a "point of contact" in regard to "folding points" of said intersecting - as with the examples of un-leavened bread and even wine in other instances. ~

Essentially in reading Leviticus, it denotes the various forms of offerings in atonement of "sin." ~

Those then are essentially compiled with the introduction of and within the idea of "Christ." ~

Within that act of "compiling" so to speak, is then the presumed use in transaction for all to partake of such atonement's easily. ~

A rather interesting direction of thought if I do say so, myself. Again, if only as result of developed influences on the structure of society and further if even in a happenstance manner as per confinement in our reality. ~

It is again stated that the consumption of blood will result in any of the "people of Israel" who do so, being cut off from the community. Perhaps then, with "Christ" having made the association of "wine" and "blood," such was intended as a line of division sot to speak - even given the common accessibility of wine in that day.

This presents the aforementioned contradiction - to sup of wine as sustenance is no transgression for the "People of Israel," to do so in the symbolism of blood - for atonement - immediately then seems to become such - BUT, within the presented meaning in use, it is then atonement for all transgressions (sins) - including, I would imagine, that seemingly small transgression in such applied symbolic use. Especially in the light of Aaron remaining in the line of priests, and further then the continued use of such symbolism.

As another observation given recent changes in the Catholic church no longer using wine, but instead substituting fruit juice in such ceremonies - perhaps there is a larger movement away from focal extremes in use of Christ as a "one stop" for compliance?

As a humorous note, seeing as though there is no livestock in urban areas fit for compliance in such sacrifices, maybe the uncanny and incessant presence of pigeons is of some relation? You find them in every city inhabited by people it seems - and seldom, if at all in the wild! How amusing.


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