Friday, November 17, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/08/2006


Popular Christianity -10/08/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In review thus far of this topical study of the "New Living Translation" of the "Bible" - In a broad sense I see some consistencies which very much corroborate ideas and leanings I have thus far explored.

Within this review as well, I will note the obvious lack of anything which even begins to suggest an association with various forms of popular interpretations - such as with "God" being the vaginal orifice for instance. ~

Something more obvious in regard to such tendencies and belief, is similar to the forms of mimicry a person can find in mutations of "Christian beliefs" in places where such beliefs were forcibly imposed, such as the Bahama Islands.

In those communities it is very obvious that figures and points of focus within such writ and belief structure as is Catholicism for instance, were utilized simply as representation of and with their own belief structure.

Immediately this adaptation served as a defense toward further persecution - and as well demonstrates the use of aposematic mimicry within the human race in regard to ideology - which is rather remarkable (similar things have transpired within the continental United States as well). In the larger sense within longevity and development, the beliefs of the area are great example of the effects within the process of "Proximity Gestation."

Both belief structures are no longer either.

In a real sense they have formed an entirely different belief structure - though still possessing topical remnants of each (and lesser examples involved in the combinations).

Further, this can in no way be categorized as a "linear" development in my belief - the concept of "time" and progression being rather un-pronounced, especially in this given example. In fact, though I have not yet to study it in depth - what I can see of it is a continuing "mutation" which has no set "linear" aspects beyond applied limitations of perception. ~

Further as stated in regard to the similar application of interpretation concerning an overtly "feminine" reference in regard to biblical meaning - such is merely a similar sort of mutation as well. Very much an applied limitation in efforts toward various things - one of which being a sense of control in such a limited association. To confine the idea of such profound concept - such uncontrollable and unimaginably immense ideology as is that contained in the word "God," within something which is decidedly a physical limitation - is in essence and effort, placing it in a controllable instance.

I can see where such serves to facilitate a path to some form of easier understanding, as well - however fictitious in relation to the work itself, not to mention the over all concept. Essentially it is the application on and into a form of applied limitation, itself. ~

11/17/2006 - As a note, such mimicry does serve several purposes in given instances - one of which being to essentially remove the despotic controlling aspect - that is, as long as such use in said forms doesn't itself become forms of despotism in similar ways. Both instances can be cited throughout human history.

Further, there are no references to such a relationship within the work itself - thus far the only minute example in a stretch of the imagination, is the ever popular reference to the "burning bush." The only other vaguery in that sense thus-far even nearing the suggesting of the vaginal orifice as "God," is as has been described in regard to Essau and Jacob, and the deception perpetrated by their mother. ~

As observation, and as noted - it is suggested in various references that there is a "movement" considered in regard to that which is referred to as "God." This then further substantiates the aspect of proximity in relation to that larger process - that larger influence. ~

This is even further substantiated in the beginnings of "Genesis" with the reference to the book of Genesis 1:18. ~

As noted, the celestial bodies are said to have been placed to "govern the day and night." In no complicated terms, those celestial bodies move as does Earth, there-in obviously changing the relationship in proximity. ~

As a personally interesting point of observation - this then works to illustrate the tendencies of humanity as I have noted in other entries - most notably being the contradiction and tendency of trying to "still" that motion. "Contain it" as it were.

This tendency then denotes an inherent inversion of sorts, which is initially attached to our existence - perhaps as per that unique area in which we exist between "animal" and the "cognitive" - It further illustrates both the example of "concept" into "realization" as I have presented it (though in an ongoing sense) - and the tendency toward such within applied (imposed) limitations - more the tendency toward maintaining the retarded progression (never quite embracing it) in realizing that "cusp" beyond limitations - through various applied limitations. ~

The various forms of such interpretation serve also to illustrate the tendency and in-inescapable motion of progressive corruptions - in so many words, literal attempts toward fulfilling such interpretations and even such writ (as per the "limitation" aspects of it - supressive most often, and coupled with some apposed mimicry) are examples of "corruption" through compliance. Even and especially those forms of interpretation which attempt to adhere quite literally, in my opinion. Further especially in regard to the larger motion and proximity effect. ~

While I am not saying that this is either "good" or "bad" in that larger sense - it is quite truthfully that through the efforts in being "good," the results are still a form of "corruption." ~

Again I will note that such writ is itself a form of applied limitation - as are all other examples of such firmness - this is not being "good" of "bad" per say, but only factual. Especially in regard to said idea of "God." ~

Odd that it seems a great concern to solidify such limitations - even in the very factual relation they describe in motion. ~

Again I cite the "reflective" nature of this belief structure and the majority of others from the same time period and even before - being "multiple" and given to proximity in a set and firm placement - this one again however, illustrates "movement" with a singular point of reference. Even in designing a movable place of worship - rather unique. ~

In beginning to read the book of Leviticus - it is a pronounced and noticeable consistency regarding the sacrifice of animals. this is done at this point, directly at the movable altar. It further exemplifies similarity with other forms of worship having utilized such sacrifices. The differences as noted, being the movement and focus as per a single reference point - though encompassing (as expressed in Genesis) several different "traits" of said point of focus. ~

As further observation - and as briefly explored pertaining to the lack of such motion in modern versions of this form of worship - said attained rigidity (non-motion in this instance) of said points of worship - then, on a larger scale as noted, begin to resemble the earlier (multiple/stationary) - focus in worship. ~

In regard to "sacrifice," there has also been various forms of mimicry developed in regard to those examples as well - some even manifesting as forms of "Satanism" so to speak - utilizing humans to represent metaphorically, the denoted types of animals acceptable as sacrifice. ~

Further there have been developed applications of such writ in a manner as to demand a residence of sort within a specific area of this work, itself. A given "book" for instance.

In my personal opinion, this is no more efficient than is listening to the same four bars of any musical piece repeated over a given "life time" so to speak. Only perhaps another effort in said mimicry.. and yet more so even in the effort of some form of compliance - then itself being indication of said mutations.

Specifically in such an instance, that which is comprised of modern, computerized interpretation through that layer of imposed limitation upon the existing limitations inherent in the entirety of the work itself.

It is an interesting age in which it seems we still struggle to move into - those forms of imposed limitations being obvious indicators of such, to say the least. ~


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