Thursday, November 16, 2006

Studies In Theology - 09/25/2006


Popular Christianity -09/25/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Reading Exodus 13:20, I am inclined to wonder about a volcanic eruption being the "pillar of cloud" in the day and "pillar of fire through the night." ~

It is stated that Moses did not travel the known shortest path toward their destination - I would be curious to research known volcanic eruptions and activity of and within the general time period. ~

Reading further, it is that through Moses - Aaron was appointed a priest of sorts to oversee worship of the tabernacle.

As is known, when Moses went to the mountain, Aaron then fashioned a golden calf and presented it for worship in front of the newly constructed tent which housed the "arc" and "tabernacle." ~

Symbolically I cannot help but see a re-occurrence played out in this description of events. This re-occurrence being reminiscent of that which is said to have transpired between "God" and Lucifer. ~

Aaron having been appointed and adorned ornately in a similar perceived importance as is said was Lucifer in the service of "God." ~

This isn't meant as a direct comparison in suggesting Moses as "God" and Aaron, as Lucifer.... only an observation of a continued - re-occurring aspect within what I feel is our emulation in existence. As if both relationships are being depicted as similar in substance that is to say. ~

Something that perhaps many do not consider is in Aaron's appointment was also the responsibility of taking upon himself, the guilt of those bringing offerings.

Perhaps this was much inspiration for having strayed from instructions so extremely? ~

Perhaps he saw himself more a deity upon being anointed, than as a servant? ~

It is said that moses even fell to such tendencies eventually as per those writ... meaning that eventually even Moses succumbed to the allure of power to some degree. ~

In considering it as per the appointment of Aaron in anointing him with the same sacrificial blood as was spattered to the altar... then further presenting him with unleavened food stuffs in the area of the tabernacle - perhaps it was symbolically presenting him as a sort of extended sacrificial element? Especially considering the aspect of taking upon himself (and his family line presumably), the guilt of those remitting offerings.

This suggests some early foreshadowing yet again - though with a somewhat different approach - to and of the idea and action of "Christ" representing the payment of sin. ~

It shows even a developing pattern of such... as if in attempts to find something more efficient pertaining to such perceived needs.

Further as observation pertaining to the social aspects of "worship" and further, a difference between other existing versions of religion in the time period - is the "place" of worship within this text - is most definitely designed to be mobile. Serving a nomadic aspect of the people described - the "Israelites" as it were.

A most curious thing considering the presently past rather generalized location of the entirety of said "Israelites." Rather a notable shift in common social respects.

Other forms of religion from that time period, placed different deities in various places in or around a given community. This new "Israelite" version presented one point of focus - one "God" so to speak, which seemingly was meant to "move around."

As I have explored and as has been suggested in several ways within the work itself - this could have had other resulting effects due to "proximity," as it were.

Again citing the importance and different perceptions of various deities in different areas and location as per other established societies - achieving, more so "perceiving" said different effects with the "nomadic aspects" of and from one point of focus - instead of several points of focus in different areas and location. ~

Perhaps as a venture in thought, even yielding subtle combinations in variation of those obviously existing influences so widely given attention to and so specifically separated - and perceived as separate - in other existing cultures? This as result of said "nomadic" tendencies and further in the inconsistency of placement regarding that mobile point of focus. ~

In a metaphor - being the dial of a radio receiver for instance - even "receiving" combinations of "frequency(for lack of a better depiction)" for instance - as opposed to dragging the radio to a specific point in location to "tune in" a "specific channel" so to speak. ~

As they moved around with it perhaps (that single point of focus) - then finding a different effect in perceived result not attainable in the other existing and firm structures. ~

This as per the difference a person can experience between different altitudes for instance. At sea level, things are naturally perceived with subtle differences than atop a mountain peak - in fact, from experiences - even light reflects and refracts differently between the two extremes of perception. ~

In this nomadic tendency, within the effects and change of proximity - something similar may have been the case. ~

As further example in what we can experience in a larger sense as difference in culture from society to society - may well have been subtly present in those changes of proximity. Even the differences which could be represented in the tendency toward those separate locations and deities.

Further as observation in the progress of humanity, is the change observable in a pronounced lack of said nomadic qualities. ~

The very things developed as forms of worship from said nomadic tendencies, are now practiced with little or no change in location - except of course in regard to wide spread practices.

There again, is a sort of inversion being that it is now no longer a nomadic motion so to speak, but again being various locations of specific consistencies.

As a note in regard to this effect in "proximity," is very much the differences even within the same "faith" practices from place to place. ~

This no longer manifesting in the same social body of people as a new nomadic change - but manifesting in regard to given proximity, in different bodies - social elements- of people. ~

Where once these subtle differences "flowed" through a society (though nomadic), they now simply churn as it were, in areas of consistent differences - on a larger scale. ~

Though I do not want to pursue thought of it in depth at this moment, nearing rest for the evening - this then illustrates a "metaphoric," suggested cyclical element which I have observed in other aspects within existence.

A metaphoric geometrical change in social terrain - dynamic - which then tends to resemble a re-occurrence of other "divisions" so to speak. ~


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