Monday, November 20, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/09/2006 - "Atonement" - Food Service Exploration


Popular Christianity -10/09/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




After thinking more in the directions of the recent exploration, I then consider the developments regarding consistencies as are "chain restaurants" and other similar sort of development (socially as well as commerce in the food service industry). ~

This direction within the line of thought as pers said "case of reconciliation (atonement)" so to speak - looks as though it leads to a similar result as even the consistencies having developed within the "movement (nomadic)" aspect which I have described. That "overconsistency" (more through the saturation of consistencies) then seems to render that difference as per "motion" and the developed modern "stationary" result.

Even related, if you will, to that tendency between "concpet" and "realization."

The possibility of becoming overtly "stationary (stagnant)" then becomes more prominent. ~

Seperate establishments - a variety so to speak (that itself as a body, does not reach a polarization in the other extreme) within this exploratory example - seems as though it would preserve some element of perceived "motion" (though in an inverted sense) and further maintain the benefits of such social health - in a "variety" sense so to speak. ~

It is easily observed within the progression of such establishments (as they have developed - and continue to exist) that some influences as per, are unavoidable.

Further, even as a social resonation, it is a plausible observation - again in reference to serving such a purpose whether intentional as per said social development - or not though again as a form of social development (lack of intention to such "atonement designs" being more efficient in such service within my opinion).

As I have touched on, such establishments began as "Inns," then to "Pubs" and "Inns," then on to "Restaurants".. then further to large "chain establishments." this of course as development from even the common house hold meal in many instances - and letting out rooms for shelter to travelers.


I should stress that I am of the opinion of that which tends to see over limitation - the over amplification of limitations (consistency for example) to be where efficiency begins to wain in the sense of total result. that itself, in my opinion, is a form of polarization (to the detrimental degree) and dilution - though somewhat inverted from total lack of continuity. Definitely more the over saturation of applied limitations pertaining to this example and other social aspects. ~

Though I DO NOT attach such service industry establishments to such a purpose (as I have addressed), I am rather pleased with the general observation and comparison - again, if pertaining to nothing more than the social development of "civilization." this in knowing the influence over centuries of development on society itself from the direction of such ideologies. ~

"Superstition" and "worship" have been of the human creature (as has ceremony) - much as reason for development in many cases - since recorded history. ~

Most early accounts of humanity are only as result of said purposes, themselves. ~

I am still intrigued with the contradiction within this "writ" and ideology/theology - pertaining to wine. (for other reasons beyond those I have addressed in other places - such as the availability of wine in that time period). I do lean personally, as per my over all intention, that the considerably slight transgression mentioned in "Leviticus" of "blood" - is encompassed as well through said slight transgression symbolically, within the idea of "Christ." This meaning that the symbolic consumption of "blood" pertaining to "Christ" is no longer a transgression regarding the earlier standards - in so many words, that itself falls under the "wage" which was "paid" within the idea of "Christ."

I suppose what I am saying here, is that within the design of the idea of "Christ," is the direction to provide path to "atonement" - as opposed to an effort in establishing some separation - some discord within the entirety of the work through the example use of symbolism pertaining to "blood."

Further, I do not believe that said benefit is only for those purposefully drinking wine to symbolize "blood."

In my opinion, such was "taken care of" so to speak, along with other perceived transgressions within that idea of "Christ" and said actions.

I am aware that it is entirely possible to construe such a direction as purposeful digression away from earlier dictation pertaining to such... but I cannot see the reasoning behind a presumed attempt in that line of thought, to render one of the most common beverages of the time a sort of violation itself in attaching such symbolism to it. I should state that I can also see a sort of oddity in the leading of such beliefs into the direction of symbolized cannibalism. But again, within the context of the reported actions within that idea of "Christ," I do not believe that such was intended to be understood as cannibalism... more so, in my opinion, it was intended to be seen as partaking of an established "policy" so to speak which was meant to render the tendencies of humanity no longer a detriment to themselves - given of course that humans are "born of sin" and further, are quite clumsy in an everyday sense pertaining to such as would be seen compliance with some rather complicated standards.

In essence, as I have observed, the direction of such symbolism then rendered the potentials within human existence to either establish a sort of heaven on Earth, or conversely given our innate tendencies, a hellish existence as we clamber along. From my perspective, such was meant to "liberate" the human potential as opposed to inhibit.

I feel I should again note a slight personal pleasure as per my own perspective within these observations recently- my career having been that of the culinary. I can even see perhaps, with amusement, that such (as is the "atonement aspect") may have been where menu items came from. A "better variety" for atonement so to speak - more so - more diverse choices being available from establishment to establishment, that is to say. making then, for more popular establishments - especially given the tendencies of humans toward corruptions, and consequently transgressions.

Really kind of a giggle.

Further this then makes sense to me given my opinion on the larger motion lending to various "individualism's."

In context of this exploration - different people would desire/require different forms of/for "atonement."

I just find some level of amusement in approaching the design of a menu - something I have done quite a bit - even dish's/menu items - from a perspective of "offering" to be purchased for "atonement." Just kind of a tickle so to speak. ~

This aspect even then illustrates further, the less efficiency in such directions of the over consistent (manufactured, even) sort of establishments which pose little variety and accommodation to individual "needs," desires. ~

Again, so as not to digress - it does make sense that accommodation would remain important - variety and choice so to speak - as per an individuals present "desires," which of course in my perspective stem from that larger interaction and influence which in context of this example, could be seen as an indicator as per their "needs" for said "atonement" - given the example of said interaction. ~

this then would suggest that "appetite" and a given craving so to speak, is in relation to that interaction.

"If something looks good - piques the appetite - perhaps is craved as nourishment" - perhaps then it is as much to rectify a larger imbalance within said interaction, as it is within our more topical interpretations of "pleasure" and "want."

This is, yet again, my own exploratory though in and of direction. I am in no way insisting that any sort of rigid limitations be applied to such an incredible human experience as is a meal. But I have to be honest with myself in such observations - even if it is some rather "funny" stuff.

"Funny" in a rather pleasing and consoling manner for many reasons - another of which being that it illustrates the development of the human species, and how much else as potential there must be to someday find, beyond the existing direction and conditioned influences. ~

I may never see or experience them, and it isn't necessarily that what is, is displeasing. Only that within said observable consistencies is the fact that in a larger sense, they represent only a form of said "limitations," which then means as per the consistency - that we have yet to experience other "directions" in many ways. ~

Bon Appetite!


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