Friday, November 24, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/09/2006 (continued)


Popular Christianity -10/09/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



10/09/2006 (continued)

Reading further now; In Leviticus 10:08, it is said that the "Lord" speaks to Aaron - essentially telling him not to be a drunk priest - then continuing to state it is their job to distinguish between "sacred" and "common" - "un-clean" and "clean." Further then that it is their job to teach the Israelites all decrees given them through Moses. ~

This is the very same Aaron that fashioned the "golden Calf." ~

Obviously an example of a "forgiven" though rather considerable transgression. ~

I find some interest in this decree of teaching the Israelites. ~

It suggests then that such teaching may have become subject to whims given the sizable transgression in the Golden Calf incident. Further in consideration was Aaron's willingness to do the bidding of the Israelites. ~

Kind of a mischievous giggle in such considerations!

In a deeper consideration it presents other potentials within these considerations, if considered as per by design.

As speculation, who is it to say that the potentials of further diversions wasn't accounted for in the ordination and maintenance of Aaron (and his line) remaining priests with such a role? ~

This speculation is beyond "devils due" so to speak, and may pertain to avoidance of over applied limitations while maintaining a consistency.

Perhaps if even by happenstance as per human tendency - then manifesting as emulation with their "movement (nomadic tendency)" and of the larger motion, as well. ~

As another interesting point this aspect foreshadows a considerable amount of the directions and actions depicted pertaining to both "Christ" and the idea of "Christ." Though much in "Christs" actions were in purposeful dissension, where what is suggested with retaining Aaron in such a position, is more an idea of/in a subtler sense - if considering human tendency and "past performance."

Such direction within such a line of thought, definitely would suggest an effort to maintain a "lucidity" of sorts - with a consistency tending toward a certain level of dissension. Which I might state, is again seeming to be an emulation of our larger existence. ~

In Leviticus 13:12, it is described that the priest perform slight health examinations in addition to and as a part of their priestly duties - something I find personally interesting is in regard to diagnosing skin "disease (even leprosy)."

The intriguing aspect is in the description of potential "disease" effecting the entire body, turning it white.

If open sores appear - if open sores then heal and turn white, as well - this is seen and pronounced as "clean." ~

This indicates a form of "albino" in many ways - but is described as more than possible, perhaps even quite common as a transition.

Such is never even suggested as occurring in modern societies - being a transition in such an extreme.

This suggests some pretty incredible potential within the human species.

It even corroborates that larger process and a more pronounced level of interaction with it in such a transition.

Modern albino's are very much as such from birth, if not even through the gestation period - in modern society. ~

Such a transition is at least intriguing. Especially those not related to the affliction known as leprosy - which commonly in that day and age, did not result in a state of existence which could be pronounced as "clean."

It very much suggests the presence of other elemental capacities and consistencies.

Of further interest is the description of "infection" being "un-clean." This is relative to some degree as per many instances regarding areas of potential micro-organism activity. Especially given the ceremonial instances where certain foods are not to be consumed - further are other foods which are not to be consumed after having been set, exposed all night. ~

Even more interesting is the regard specifically to live yeast in certain instances. ~

In Leviticus 14:14, a ceremony to purify someone - or group of people, is described as very similar to that which was done to anoint Aaron as high priest. symbolically then, this presents some interesting possibilities as per "relation" in that sense - much in regard to those aspects I have mentioned in an association sort of manner. As much as in those mentioned pertaining to an extended - suggestion of being part of "sacrifice" as said extension, presumably due to symbolic relativity - but even further in a manner as is atonement through the idea of "Christ." ~

Being associated with Aaron, the high priest himself - as per said "anointing" in a cleansing ceremony, then suggests a similar affiliation through that association - that of having been "absolved." ~

It also poses a curious aspect as per symbolic "recognition" vicariously as well. ~

Yet another interesting consistency in symbolism, is the common action of priests to sprinkle a given substance seven times at the altar - most times in the presence of those seeking atonement.

As mentioned, though as of yet to pass at this point in this work - a prominent symbol - being the Star of David - contains seven enclosures. In considering the tribes of Israel as they are "paired off" within certain configurations already explored to some degree - and of course considering the tribe of Levite - this then amounts to seven points of enumeration as well.

As a note - I delve a bit further into such apparent consistencies while examining the next book - being the Book Of Numbers.

Though I am sure that there is some relation in significance - I am not as of yet possessing exact or otherwise information as per said significance beyond the obvious which I can readily discern. ~

Further it then mentions discharge and intercourse as "un-clean" - then presenting things to do to again cleanse (purify) ones self after such activities. In this area I find somewhat of a chide in the closing - stating to the fact (emphasized, no less) that the Israelites must perform these tasks to cleanse themselves - or they will die for their impurity.

Given that much of these instructions seem directed as much at better hygiene as any other reason - and further within the context and emphasis in which they were issued - the Israelites must have been having one heck of a party! ~


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