Sunday, November 26, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/12/2006 (Eat It Or Wear It Comparison & Transference Exploration)


Popular Christianity 10/12/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In Leviticus 17, blood is again stressed of importance - even to the degree of being criminal to sacrifice anywhere but the Tabernacle.

To be guilty of blood - translated as murder. ~

This is in regard to the sacrifice of animals and obviously not in regard to the task of hunting - which of course is scarcely mentioned beyond earlier references to Essau (almost specifically). Such itself then indicating a more cultivating sort of nomadic tendency - given a person can imagine such. Though, just as obviously, the Israelites consisted mostly of herders - and as mentioned, at this point - still nomadic herders, at that. ~

It is further described that this rule is to prevent sacrifices in the open fields and to insure that those sacrifices be brought to the priest at the place of worship.

It then refers to them loosely as peace offerings. ~

This is particularly interesting to me, given the common understanding of peace offering - where a person considering it with reason might know it to be an effort in appeasing a want for a continued peace, most commonly this term suggests and is interpreted as making peace with something. As if to have been at considerable odds with the recipient. Offering the token to amend so to speak. ~

From a more analytical perspective, a person begins to see some greater consistency in the mandate of only at the place of worship - given then the consistent spattering of blood against the altar and of course the burning which is commonly stated as being a pleasant aroma to the "Lord." ~

This consistency set considerable importance on very physical attributes in comparison to the idea of an omnipotent being. "Aroma" and further the concentrated area being insisted upon for blood letting. Both are very physical aspects - well within physical reality.

This suggests perhaps other aspects of the relationship - but most definitely suggests an effort of concentrating such physical points of interest (and focus) in a confined - though movable area. ~

This then being reinforced with things such as exile as punishment. Noting such sacrifices elsewhere as being to goat demons - goat idols. ~

As per the earlier ceremony of sending the sins of the Israelites into the wilderness on a goat, this then suggests quite a bit - as well as posing a slight contradiction which again suggests a sort of devils due aspect. ~

it also suggests and reinforces the idea of multiple influences perceived in that single focal point as deity. ~

11/26/2006 As a thought as I read back over these notes while transposing them... what of the idea that perhaps all which is set forward in those early books of the bible, is an account of a learning experience as it played out? Perhaps those years in the wilderness were as much in the effort to establish some conducive consistency before the attempt at a greater level of civilization, as much as it was in the more topical aspect of "following the Lord" as it has been described and understood within popular culture?

In considering the mounting consistencies and of course those intertwining aspects, a person could speculate that such was/is the case in regard to those earlier years just out of Egypt. Finding their footing so to speak, with a concept and idea that was admittedly new to just about everyone - especially in regard to the nomadic aspect of a single point of worship.

Definitely something to explore in future years.

As a speculative note in applying common logic into the regard of such influences - if it were that a body of multiple influences existed - much as most other religious structures depict as in plural - then further if it were a base effort to appease certain appetites of these entities through the various forms of sacrifice (which also appear in most all other religious structures of the time period) - then it stands to reason that such mandate would also be in an effort to influence those influences through the concentration and sort of quarantine pertaining to one place said sustenance could be available for that plurality in regard to this body of people and method. ~

"Herding" those influences so to speak.

Coaxing a single focal point as it seems to be. Then symbolically providing only tainted examples - being the scape goat for instance - for those other (goat demons) not complying (conducive) to those efforts of such concentration. ~ A sort of eat it or wear it in regard to those perceived existing influences. ~

This then adds yet another interesting facet to the idea of divulging, confessing ones transgressions.

As presented previously - What of the dynamic which is created in disclosing said sins to obviously non-acceptable deities?

As per Catholicism, this then adds an interesting light to that suggested relation to Aaron's role, and that of other priests - given of course the action of having sent sin into the wilderness as well.

Is it not then plausible that the act of confession is just as similar to the divulging of ones transgressions

as is suggested with the use of the scape goat, as it could be seen in relation to those efforts for atonement?

Is even Aaron and his line then, not so dissimilar in some respects from the scape goat in that they both act to remove the sins of the people through containing them of their own (though Aaron possessed a medallion in which to place them)? ~

In this line of thought, I happen upon another point of interest to myself, though pertaining more to the idea of "Christ" - and as well in some consistency regarding apparent contradictions between old and new testaments. Initially the contradiction being that the earlier efforts definitely look to be efforts at said concentration of a multiple - where as pertaining to the idea of "Christ," there is - through the same (similar) symbolic relationship in and of similarities - i.e. Aaron being anointed in a particular manner, then further anointing others in the same way (an unmistakable transference, so to speak) - with "Christ" being crucified.

Quite literally as is most commonly known - the number of people which the Romans crucified was rather large.

I do not believe that there exists an accurate count given the degree to which they (Romans) employed that means of execution. ~

In that same symbolic relationship then (transference so to speak), it is obvious - given the consistent method of that form of execution (crucifixion) - that a polarization of sorts, then occurs within that concentrated focus and consistently applied method in and of similarly applied transference - dilating it so to speak - more so, displacing it. Perhaps then presenting a cyclical - ecocycle of sorts - even further in relation symbolically as per sin with both Aaron and the scape goat tactic? ~

It most definitely at least suggests some further relation, given then the example in commonality within the same idea (transference) of the existence of 12 disciples. And further yet, it would not surprise me to find a direct relationship between those 12 disciples and the previous Tribes of Israel. ~

The inversion this then presents concerning that concentration is rather interesting. More so the cycle of relationships which presents the potential dynamic. ~

The consideration of said symbolism in crucifixion and that aspect of dissipation in applied transference with all who were crucified symbolically - further gives interest in the comparison I have presented between the idea of "Christ" and our representative democracy - yet again, if only it is a matter of course as result of the overwhelming social influence of such lines of/in belief.

"Multiple" representations being symbolic of both aspects - Governed and Governing - both then being one and the other in regard to the comparison and applied transference extended to such applications, symbolically. ~


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