Thursday, November 30, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/19/2006 (Human/Animal?)


Popular Christianity 10/19/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Early, quite early in the morning - not quite even near sunrise. ~ I find that after some hours of sound sleep, that I am somewhat un-tired enough that laying here is a waste of time - so I have begun again to read further with Leviticus 20.

In chapter 20:02 I find another odd turn in relation to human sacrifice. It is that a rivalry of sorts was apparently in some effect given that it is a decree in this chapter that any sacrificing their children to "Molech" must be put to death - any that ignore such transgressions are to be cut off from the community. ~

This seems a bit odd given the previous instruction as per the (want of) sacrifice of Abraham's only son as a test of faith. Asking of him such a sacrifice being seen as a commitment in faith. ~

Then of course in Egypt, given the curse of killing first born sons (and further laying claim to all first born living things). symbolic beyond the presented reasoning in regard perhaps to a cleansing - more seeming to be a move toward gaining some advantage as per dominance in a species variation sense. Much as do some animals in killing the young of procured mates already having young off spring. ~

Then, I cannot help but see some relation with the situation of Jacob and Essau in the older child's blessing being past to the younger. ~

In that sense in regard to this importance and developmental progress in change - as per focus on children - even oldest children, there is evidence of a relationship of sorts and further, a consistency developing - Earlier actions continuing to manifest in more diffuse ways and combinations. ~

Further in chapter 20, we then see a change in punishments for many of the listed offenses which previously would have the land vomit them out, now being punishable by death in most examples. ~

There is some rather interesting area for further study within these lines, given it is deemed offensive for any man or woman to have intercourse of any sort sexually, with an animal. Topically speaking and from the perspective of modern knowledge, that isn't very complicated to understand - but as a person considers the common human tendency to liken themselves to some animal persona - it then becomes a bit more involved. Especially considering the long relationship symbolically of sovereigns and animal representations - i.e. The Lion Hearted for instance. ~

Socially speaking, this then presents another facet of the church and state rivalry given most governing bodies in sovereign structures did (some still do) liken themselves to said animal representations of themselves. Further within a social sense and within these divisions as presented, it suggests perhaps a line of division in said societies as well? Further suggesting said sovereign element being as exclusive as is the divisions suggested from the direction of religion - between the two.

This then presenting even further conflict within the perception in which both religion and said animal association exists when a group of people - particularly those of a religious structure are referred to as a flock. ~

This would then suggest that the only people are those with no affiliation to the sovereign element or the religious element as per metaphoric representations and suggested capacity of existence. ~

In that line of thought then, when applied to modern governing and social structuring and such things as vesting the idea of sovereignty into the people of the United States - it becomes quite intriguing to say the least. almost titillating to consider in metaphoric continuance as is the motion of it - then further being of a larger emulation and/in motion. ~

Even further in this then, is the immediate assumption that such an applied function would remove the presence of people as element. When really, given the other effects of the design from what I can tell - within and of that body of populous - it actually (within this example reasoning), creates more people in that sense. At least the opportunity to address that combination of human element and animal element - then creating two directions (of sorts) in which the human creature can progress in development. Those being in promoting the progress of human aspects and conversely, the potential for promoting the more animal elemental aspects of/within the human existence (much as I have already addressed concerning the apparent push toward promoting the better human animal instead of the better human).

This combination in social dynamics at least presents the potential of/for social directions pertaining to such. Which seem to be as result of those other effects of neither aspect (religion/sovereign - common) being of primary focus within the presented social mechanism. Which then of course seems to have rendered instead - very herd like social groupings with no consideration for either element of sovereign or religion specifically.

Again, from what I can tell, indicating somewhat of a failure - missed opportunity to maximize human potentials of existence. Somehow having turned a social eco-system of sorts, into that herd like grouping aspect... which again, very much resembles the tendencies of animals. ~

Topically perceived then, in order not to violate these religious dictations pertaining to people and animal sexual intercourse - it looks to be the only option in seeing ones self and their mate as some form of animal - which then suggests that our existence, our very selves within that tendency of being human - employ a mimicry of sorts if not being out right psychological lyconthropes. Even without conscious effort. ~

This having been done from what I can tell, through populating a rather brilliant design of people having been vomited out of other countries. Again, I see at least the design of a social eco-cycle of sorts. Very much in emulation of a larger process and even more than in a metaphoric, metaphysical sense. ~

To some concern though - perhaps even frightening to some degree - the association with animal persona - through such transference and symbolism - then makes possible the aspect of human sacrifice no longer being representative of human sacrifice. ~

As well, within the saturation of said historic animal association, it makes committing murder all the more difficult within that same reasoning - making it then necessary in regard to such writ, to find the proper area within that cycle and sea of lyconthropes - to effectively commit such an offense. Essentially negating the extremes of such rules and relegating the larger body of decision making to that body of populous. Effectively suspending an area of existence which is then neither one extreme or the other.

A result of an social - architectural effect in some sense through the design and use of that idea called representative democracy. ~

Again, perhaps a happenstance (as per our common perspective) emulation and living metaphor of existence itself - of our capacity and perceived understanding as it ebbs and flows. Progresses and retracts - and sometimes, simultaneously. Representing in a living sense, that aspect of human existence which is being suspended between all other examples of life here - and something else that we as a species continue to bemuse and befuddle ourselves with, even today. ~


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