Monday, November 27, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/12/2006 (continued) "United Penitentiary of America?"


Popular Christianity 10/12/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



10/12/2006 (continued)

Further in Leviticus - third book, chapter 18, it begins to give instructions relating to the act of sexual relations with family members. As if the obvious aspects of incest haven't been learned in our modern day as per procreation - this chapter seems to stand as representative of a time when such knowledge was just becoming known. ~

I find a level of interest in the manner in which things are described - as per 18:7 in Leviticus for instance, It states that sex with ones own mother is a violation of ones father. ~

Having sexual relations with ones own grand daughter is said to violate ones self. ~

Sex with a daughter-in-law isn't stated as being a violation of one's son, but only that she is the sons wife. ~

Sex with one's own brother's wife, is said to be a violation of one's brother. ~

It states not to marry one's own wifes sister (though multiple wives were very much common), because they would then be rivals. ~

It states that sex with a neighbors wife would defile one's own self. ~

The manner of perceived violation in these instances is perhaps something for further study. It suggests a pattern of perception which may prove interesting. Not to mention the more modern social aspects of promoting everyone as brother and sister symbolically.

It then goes on to describe that those having lived in such a manner - as to be driven out. Vomited as it notes specifically, out of the land before you. ~

Again I see, if even through the course of social development and the effect in the saturation of such structures as is Christianity (being wide spread and of a considerably old line), a relation with the effect in result as is a refugee.

Then further with the early expunging of un-desirables from several countries within human social development, then being welcomed into the design of our early representative democracy. ~

Beyond this suggesting our nation to be one of moral and ethical destitution - this substantiates further, the metaphor I have presented pertaining to the governing design - again, if only as result in a given plateau sort of culmination between several social structures - their individual developments (socially and ideologically), and the resonating effects of said saturations already in existence - then producing as a result of interaction within the structure design, the result of that larger process applied, in a social sense. ~

Further, in the welcomed use as per populous being those having been vomited out of other countries, it illustrates the design as per progressive corruptions within what we know of this version of representative democracy. I might even argue further that in light of such, it stands as further corroboration to said metaphoric symbolism as per the idea of Christ - and more especially so in the realization of said cyclical eco-cycle of the crucifixion transference I have briefly noted. ~

More directly, the larger motion within representative democracy as per said Christ qualities in comparison - then further emulates such with that use of those un-wanted elsewhere. Those having been unwanted elsewhere, then representing the strength and connection within the hypothetical (symbolic) transference with/from/of the idea of Christ and all others having been crucified - but, as is widely known pertaining to the idea of Christ and crucifixion - in no way exclusively. ~

Citizens within the representative democracy are seen (supposedly) as equals - again, most having been uwanted in other countries. All within the governed and simultaneously governing body of said structure, supposedly being as much a part of the governing process (and therefore, body) as they are governed. Illustrating another aspect of that transference in symbolism between the idea of Christ and all others having been crucified within that area and context.

Essentially, within that consistency and consideration - being seen as each and the other. ~

Again suggesting that it is very much up to the populous as to the desired resulting social atmosphere.

This isn't to say that I think we are all Jesus H. Christ (or any other name/version) by any means. More that there is a notable comparison - as symbolism and metaphoric transference goes. ~

As well, this is not meant to suggest a limitation as per specific ideology - especially in regard to many of the earlier reasons for the establishment of such a social/governing structure - only to perhaps suggest a source of the earlier perceived Liberations and potentials within such an application. ~


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