Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/13/2006 (Dishonest Measure)


Popular Christianity 10/13/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Continuing in Leviticus 19 - This seems as though it is a re-visitation of sorts in addressing the limitations introduced as per the commandments and issues concerning sacrifice. ~

There is an inconsistency in this early passage of 19:06, which can easily be seen as a progressive aspect demonstrating perhaps a level of achieved consistency - that being the instruction to now consider left overs from sacrifices being unclean on the Third day.

At this point it is apparently all right to consume the food products the day of, and now the day after said preparations - where consuming them the day after had previously been forbidden in similar decree. ~

Again, this perhaps indicating a developed progress of sorts. ~

This series of instructions then diverges into un mentioned areas as of yet, being in 19:09, the instruction for harvesting crops - which further indicates more progress in a social sense. ~ Even more so in the specific instructions of leaving some of the harvest for the poor and foreigners living among them. Indicating a definite development in the social atmosphere. ~

This while still under Mose's charge. ~

Still further is indication of considerable social advance within the instructions to pay hired workers on time, honesty pertaining to legal matters, and again a recognition of both rich and poor apparently within their own ranks. ~

This all before reaching their destination. ~

There is a specific decree I find some further interest in beyond common courtesy aspects - this being the instruction NOT to mate two different kinds of animals - which in our modern day is an obvious non starter being no success widely known as possible in such attempts (outside of a laboratory). In the stated instruction is indication in that point in time of much different potential outcome of/in result of said mating. ~

Then is the instructions not to plant two different kinds of seed in the same field - presumably as per the suggested risks of mutation apparently in mating two different kinds of animals, though having to do with vegetables obviously. ~

It then instructs not to wear clothes of two different kinds of thread, which then definitely gives pause for many directions of thought while suggesting immediately an unacknowledged association between perhaps, known results from mixing animate things; animals, vegetables.... in that inherent human tendency previously explored. A superstition perhaps in extending, transcending the physical and physiological? ~

This, as with the other instructions being said to have come from the lord through Moses - perhaps then, in the direction of consistent belief, suggesting a lack of differentiation between living animals (things) and objects? ~

Continuing then in 19:26, it is instructed not to practice fortune telling or witchcraft. ~

This is quite odd at a first glance given that less than three chapters ago, lots were cast to make a decision - such having been and still being a common practice in various forms of said. ~

As stated, this seems immediately contradictory - but on further consideration the purpose it may serve is again a form of concentrated focus - the grasping of attention - on established consistency which further enforces a hierarchical structure. ~

If it is that none within the general populous can (or do) practice such divination - then it is that only a certain area of that society does so. This causes obvious effects as per social dependence and structure, and further then as per focus of belief - may even serve a deeper purpose in removing a disbursed effect - replacing it with a single source of information, so to speak. ~

In 19:35, I see one of the first references to doing good business in this body of work - being an instruction grouped with others; Not to use dishonest measure.

This further then demonstrates an obvious social advance through indicating established commerce and standards. ~

Quite remarkable for transient people being recently former slaves! ~

A note as per concern with two different types of animals mating as further thought; As stated, this suggests a more susceptible physical reality than what we see as normal. further, it very much corroborates several aspects of the present idea of process (and motion) within Proximity Gestation. further yet, it substantiates however slightly, the speculation I have presented pertaining to a progression from a more sensitive time - tending toward our direction of solidifying. this meaning that our connection with other living aspects of existence was perhaps at one time incredibly sensitive. Consider the ability to instill a change physically 9within ones surroundings) with consistent mood, emotion even thought? this of course referring to a point in time far beyond our recorded history. ~

In considering such a possible direction in progression, is drawn easily as similar to that progression of concept into application/realization. Becoming more firm (our physical realm) as it transcends from one to the other. ~

When this is applied to that speculative developmental direction within reality in a larger sense - it poses the possibility of everything eventually becoming entirely firmed. As noted previously, things like trees no longer growing - even that things may no longer even appear to age (for some time) - being within that continuous firming. Then eventually even petrify in some respect as per assertion and speculation.

Definitely an amusing and interesting thought - then giving even more importance to the concept(s) of progressive corruptions, instead of magnified solidification's. ~


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