Thursday, December 07, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/21/2006 (Supernatural Considerations)


Popular Christianity 11/21/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Immediately in chapter 8 of the Book of Numbers is another reference to 7. Being 7 lamp stands (gold). ~

I feel I should note how prominent metals are in the Tabernacle descriptions - gold and silver are mentioned quite a bit - as well as bronze a bit further on. It seems that just about everything is laden with gold or silver, which then leads me to consider the loadstone effect I have previously explored - further, it is notable that the false idol Aaron fashioned was gold as well.

Definitely evidence of a worth before the idea of value as we know today.

It (such metals) must have been rather plentiful to say the least - which then adds further support to the idea of that loadstone effect as opposed to supply and demand being initial reason(ing) for such perceived value/worth.

I should note that these early books in the bible are some of the first places where sums are derived through quantity and portion of these metals as well - at least from what I can recall at this point. (sums being coin worth - i.e. shekel - derived for what ever reason as a sum amount - which of course dates previously to other civilizations as well, in other manners of approach). This being somewhat of a consistency before standards for such were derived in a broader sense.

it definitely gives reason for pause considering that loadstone effect - given that such attempts were made to assess a perception of value and then present it in some standardized form.

Further this is interesting in being a standard within a nomadic people - though truly only recently nomadic (out of Egypt) in that sense. ~


In Numbers 8:05, it begins to describe a dedication ceremony concerning setting the Levites apart from the other tribes of Israel. Part of this is in shaving all of the hair from their bodies which immediately conjures images in relation to Egyptian influence - and further suggests a similarity in/with ceremonies concerning the touching of the dead during certain time.

It then dictates that the Levites must be presented to the Lord at the Tabernacle and the Israelites are to be present and to lay hands on them. This is to have been done to symbolize a special offering from the people of Israel (to the Lord). ~

There is then a noticeable use of transference in that the Levites were instructed to then lay hands on two young bulls meant for a burnt offering and a sin offering. ~

This seems similar to the previous descriptions pertaining to Aaron being anointed and those acts of transference within such ceremony.

As well it is that such could be seen as symbolic attempt yet again in that direction earlier explored pertaining to a social progression which eventually rendered and culminated with Christ. ~

This is substantiated in the next few paragraphs beginning at 8:16 - describing again, how the Levites now represent the first born sons of the Israelites - then further there is a reference to the passover in Egypt of striking down the first born - this all in close relation with The Lord claiming the first born of everything as quote; "Mine." ~

In chapter 9, it then again describes instructions for observing pass-over, and again there are instructions for those to celebrate second pass over for what ever reasons excluded them from observing the first pass over. ~

This is odd in that I am seeing another consistency develop within the work which further may support a sort of fold - points of contact/relation - weave aspect. This as it becomes more apparent that certain passages are repeated almost verbatim (some even exactly, I imagine) at later points in the work. These pass over instructions, being the present example. ~

12/07/2006 To note something which I touch on at a later point (more in depth than previously), this repetition which seems to occur, may have another facet as well in displaying a definite illusion within the most common perceptions of a chronological occurrence. Meaning, that within these repetitions, is the distinct possibility (and actuality in some instances it would seem) of that illusion concerning some distance of time between some of the examples presented as having been duplicated. This means that things within different books, may have transpired nearly at the same point in time as things in other places within the work - but the common perception of the Bible, is that there is some definite chronological movement of a time frame.

In chapter 9:15, it describes the method for which the Israelites would travel.

There is described a fiery cloud in the day, and a pillar of fire at night which dictates such travel direction and time of departure/arrival. ~

This tends to become rather surreal in an immediate sense.

From my present perspective, it doesn't mater in regard to supernatural and/or conversely physical explanation. I see the importance at this point in recognizing that it is/was a manifestation of some sort. A manifestation that is described as moving seemingly on a whim so to speak - which then would mandate the camp to follow where ever it lead to.

Further, this manifestation is also referred to as The Lord. This of course further indicating that multiple aspect. ~

In a supernatural sense, it is no more preposterous to consider such a manifestation as it is described, as it is to consider the idea of wielding such (similar) forces in the idea of witchcraft. In fact, from such a point of view - such could be considered a concentration of said variations of forces through the various ceremonies and symbolism's used within the Tabernacle. ~

From a perspective regarding the physical and potential scientific explanations - such a direction of reasoning would support the idea of proximity's, as well. ~

To consider such as outright Fantastique Fiction - is very much a lack of consideration - if not purposeful avoidance given the very scientific proofs of like mannered and similar power in our everyday lives - being electricity. ~

While electricity is manufactured as we know and use it, it is still very much of similar areas within existence (especially in naturally occurring forms) - even though, and especially though we can scientifically explain it. ~

This is not to say that electricity is God - and further is not to say that which is depicted as a burning cloud is electricity. Only that similarities as per existential properties are at least, possible.

It is only the common (saturated) aspect of electricity that makes such no longer acknowledged pertaining to electricity. It has in effect, conditioned a sort of numbness to such within the human creature. ~

In that then, it is all the more reasonable to consider such an idea as proximity influence in a larger sense.

Further, such is considerable reason to examine such a depiction for the potentials of consistency and tendency such variations in manifestation seem to have. ~

In chapter 10 there is another reference to silver, and yet further the enumeration of 2.

Silver Trumpets were said to have been fashioned in the interest of communication with all of the tribes - and the Lord as well.

One being blown, would summon only the leaders - both would bring all of the tribes to the Tabernacle.

This then was used with different signals to instruct the movement of camp in order of travel - again, only Aaron and descendants were permitted to blow these horns. ~

As well, they were used for sounding alarm, festivals and incorporated into ceremonies for burnt offerings and peace offerings. ~

It is then stated that the sound will remind the Lord of his covenant with you. ~


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