Friday, December 08, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/23/2006 (Puppy Kicker Mentality)


Popular Christianity 11/23/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Just to catch up with my own thoughts and notes that I jot throughout the day - this entry will pertain to at least documenting them here-in. ~

Considering the attitudes quite present in modern American society pertaining to a want of eradicating even the idea of religion - beyond the common target of Popular Christianity - I personally cannot see the reasoning. ~

As I have stated, such focused and combative efforts really only act to insure the presence of such ideology if through nothing more than attention toward them. ~

Further, there seems to be some want, more a tendency, to attack the more efficient uses of such ideologies as is Popular Christianity - under that reasoning of eradicating it, if not at least complicating it in the effort to somehow thwart. ~

In effect such efforts (which I have come to refer to as puppy kicking in regard to abuse of those posing no threat other than a person choice for worship which isn't the popular cult activity of the day) only results in the greater ease for far less efficient Ecclesiastic movements to ensue. ~

Of course efficiency is a relative term - but the removal (replacement of) more socially conducive uses of such ideologies - then are usually only replaced with less socially concerned (politically motivated) versions and uses of such influences and bodies of people. Most times within that puppy kicking tendency, leaving the more caustic versions untouched.

Unfortunately, the more efficient uses of these structures - the more socially efficient - become targeted in that puppy kicking mentality - of course this results as a perceived victory for the puppy kicking element - but then usually renders such useless, and non conducive to society within the larger workings of said structures. Most times losing influence in the Ecclesiastic respect of even their own church's. Which then renders not only the church(s), but the long ingrained social aspects of even the idea of religion - no longer a benefit to society - but still just as impossible to ever remove - especially through the reasoning of persecution in the effort to somehow remove such long standing human means of social interaction. Essentially then damaging a rather efficient consistency within society - whether or not a person adheres to the beliefs of such structures. ~

From my own perspective, such efforts would best be employed through utilizing the existing consistency(ies) as opposed to the attempts at removing those structures. ~

At every turn within humanity, when some social vacancy has been created - there has always been something of a similar respect to replace said religious/social dynamic.

Some sad, desperate turds out there.


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