Monday, December 18, 2006

Studies In Theology - 12/01/2006 (Moses Speaks To A Rock With A Big Stick!)


Popular Christianity 12/01/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 20 describes more travel and arrival in the wilderness of Zin- Having no water available in the area, Moses was instructed to speak to a rock and it would flow with water - this after another round of complaints and rebellion. ~

It then states that Moses did as he was told though later is said to not be allowed to lead Israel into the land promised them, because he supposedly failed to demonstrate the lords holiness. ~

I have to wonder if this is in reference to Moses striking the rock twice with his staff as opposed to speaking to it?

Perhaps it was due to the attempt of looking as though it were he and Aaron that created water from the rock - as opposed to crediting the lord? ~

In 20:14, Moses states in a message to a local king, that an angel lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. Which then makes a person wonder if he was likening himself to an angel?

Perhaps there was some un-mentioned influence (other than the lord) - perhaps again is the idea of angel representing the presence of god? ~

Here, Israel was forced to turn around at the threat of the king of Edom and his army. ~

It then goes on to describe Aarons death - which contains some interesting aspects which are rather civilized given the time period. ~

It depicts Aaron giving his son his priestly garments (Moses being the presenter of them) and then dieing on the top of a mountain. It obviously symbolises a succession of the sort which is/was rather common in other civilizations. ~

As I write that word in reference to that time period - it strikes me as interesting when considering that then, it very much was "civilizations" - in our modern day, most is referred to as civilization. Even given the differences between various cultures. ~

This further demonstrates the motion of that larger process - even within the reasoning of modernization as understanding. This further than the shrinking aspect of perspective and perception demonstrated in such an example. ~

When considered beyond that effect on human understanding and perception, it demonstrates (though in a large result) - the resulting effect of that larger process.

What used to be considered separate civilizations independently - are now widely considered separate cultures as part of a larger body. Then further, placing the idea of representative democracy in its own light. ~

12/18/2006 As a note in tangent - while sitting and pondering the various aspects I have recently explored pertaining to representative democracy itself, and of course the manner in which it has manifested and continues - I notice a rather comical consistency... though it really isn't all that funny beyond the comical aspects of it, if you can understand that.

Given what anyone can research about even recent history - for instance, the consistent levels of corruption which have been brought to light and some of which have just been chided at through a lack in effort to bring them to light; There is no way to find any information pertaining to current forms of corruption. There is no way to investigate for ones self... to view the situation(s) which currently reside in positions of power. Within this, is then the prevailing attitude that such forms of corruption have never existed, much less could possibly be present in which ever current governing body happens to be in effect.

This audacity, even in the consistency which anyone can research. This definitely maintains until far after the violations and presumably the terms served, until ANYONE will even begin to address what may or may not have been otherwise flagrant transgressions in the forms of abusive corruptions. It doesn't seem to matter which political side a person may be on... it simply is as though it just cannot be approached in the current term(s). As if it is some fraternal, un-spoken rule.

It is very much its own punch line, as this cycle then is continued with the next term and power shift (if any) and so on and so forth... only looking to sometimes really grotesque violations long after the fact in the effort to appear to gain some leverage in political competitions. Then of course, within the ease of modern day communications it would be rather easy to simply manufacture the sort of insurance which would keep anyone from addressing current violations immediately - if even only gossip to gum up the gears so to speak.

Either way, it is a rather funny social occurrence to witness time and again, sometimes even the very same people over and over, step up as if the previous (and very long line of consistent corruptions) did not exist... much less in the current moment. Not even potentially within the current moment, is usually the posturing.

It is truly amazing when you think about it.

I would imagine that in the more rudimentary progression of that... that it eventually just becomes a decision making process of splitting up what ever can be procured in that go around and then of course, dishing it off to some pre-selected scapegoat. I would imagine within the consistency of it, that the scapegoat(s) may even opt to be the scapegoat(s) in some social hierarchical procession. But then, I suppose that poses the problem of convincing everyone else outside of those relationships, that the chosen scapegoat(s) is sufficient regardless of the effecting ramifications on the rest of society. I would imagine that it just becomes that mundane and everyday sort of thing. Rather entertaining.


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