Saturday, January 06, 2007

Studies In Theology - 12/08/2006 (Considering Again, The Potentials Of A Living Metaphor)


Popular Christianity 12/08/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In considering these social developments within the tribes of Israel in the few previous chapters - It very much supports the idea of the United States as a Living Metaphor - but more so than even just as Christ, and even further than the relation between 13 colonies and that number of tribes before the divergence at the Jordan river. ~

It definitely illustrates a larger process - a connectivity even, if only through the process of existence. ~

The development at the Jordan river even, then could be seen as corresponding to perhaps even the American Revolution itself, then further - as per the potential political areas of development within that divergence at the Jordan River could be seen as similar to the political areas which were set forward in creating the United States Government - even, and most notably - the three divisions of political power. ~

The more that I consider the idea of Representative Democracy - United States - being a metaphor, the more I can see from such a perspective pertaining to the aspects perceived in regard to something such as the Bible, as a whole. ~

This suggests to me something beyond a larger consistency and further the resonation of those firmed structures previously introduced into reality (many gaining a firm consistency in and of themselves). ~

The seat of the pants element within the early United States Government, very much stands as example in regard to the effect of those resonations. ~

Even more so, to that larger process in action as it occurred. ~

It is known that much planning and support came from some brilliant minds of the time - many having been firmly conditioned within that work called the Bible before applying themselves into and toward their own directions respectively. ~

Some rather uncanny, though notable aspects can be noted as well in regard to the geographic alignment of the Continental United States - most noticeably being the Mississippi River in this example and reference of such early developments - then of course, the location of the original 13 colonies being East of that division - then developing Westward, though - again demonstrating the off set of that larger process - not being a direct relation so to speak, but then presenting the layered effect I have addressed. ~

Meaning within this example - that while East of the Mississippi, the resonation played out of itself (combined with other facets - other consciously introduced influences), then again as expansion Westward took place - there in, demonstrating those layers in motion and off set within that larger process now having been again conditioned through the filtration of other established structures and manifesting as per - through our human perception and existence. The popular work called the Bible having been a predominant (sub conscious) influence in regard to said conditioning. ~

At this point, I do not believe that said traits were purposeful to a great degree - this being substantiated through the presence of focal efforts on new and ground breaking ideas being set into motion for the first time in an applied sense. ~

Further, though the presence of the Mississippi River may have been coincidental, in relation to that larger motion it seems then that it acted to encourage such a metaphoric manifestation through an association sort of interaction.

With its presence, it may have provided a stimulation of sorts - in support of that motion within that larger process which had already been conditioned through the popular structure of the bible. ~

For instance, if it were that there had been no river there, part of that emulation might not have folded again upon itself with that point of reference. ~

For example, from a sociological perspective in regard to the consistency I perceive - this would speculatively mean that within that series of motion beginning at the American Revolution for instance as representative of a manifestation of that divergence, that such conditioned structure continued to play out - even presenting a divergence itself, within those 13 colonies which could be likened to the initial presence of several political parties - then, upon the influence of geographical location of the Mississippi - then again found a conjunction of sorts which resulted in a layered effect then taking place within the off set of that larger motion.

If I were to research it more in depth, I believe I would find great coinciding/familiar motion of.resembling those depicted within that popular work - beyond (Westward) of the Mississippi. Those layers then playing out within the interaction of themselves, as well. ~

Such being represented (though speculatively) in the onset of the American Civil War for example. ~

Most notably within that example, is representation (though in the extreme) of that off set effect within that larger motion - being a shift in that divergence from an East/West regard, to a North/South. ~

Another attribute and substantiation to the idea of a layered effect, is that West of the Mississippi, there was far less effect from the more recent divergence (North/South) - being the Civil War than there was East of the river. Demonstrating the subtle distance between those layers and effect. ~

There is little possibility of such occurrences having been orchestrated as such in my opinion - again, especially early on in that seat of the pants aspect - though intentional and thought out series of developments.

There are far too many facets of such as emulation for them to have been purposefully orchestrated by any given individual as a conscious effort. Most especially when it is that the focus in the time period was entirely in other directions of effort, as can be accessed through even a simple review of history.

In my opinion, it is more so an indication of a much larger process of/in motion through out existence.

Similar social motion can be seen within the work titled the Bible as it was recorded and presented. In that observation I contend that such similarity - though subtle as per such motion and obviously of some relation (as described), is then relevant beyond a direct affiliation and comparison - being more indicative of a larger consistent inconsistency within the influences upon existence as they manifest - even having done so in the Biblical times as they were recorded.

To note further as perhaps a closer affiliation to such forms of influence as is/was the Bible. The book of Judges is proving to be very similar in content - social motion as described in a sort of linear consideration - as is the process of elected officials - more directly, as it eventually developed.

If such were a direct and conscious effort to directly emulate and embody something such as the Bible, there would have been no developmental aspect in such motions as pertaining to a relation between the book of Judges for instance, and the more topical aspects of elected office. Further, there would be far fewer similarities within those relations, with further areas of reference within the work called the Bible.

01/06/2007 In considering such similarities recently, and the apparent motion through out history of humanity within that larger influence, it gives me consideration within my studies, that consistently - humanity itself has come upon things far before humanity has been ready to address them.

The consistency of human developments as such is almost entirely undeniable when considered in such a manner.

As if even centuries must transpire between the time humanity discovers something, and the time where it is efficiently utilized - if even then only just begun to be understood.


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